Monday, January 28, 2008

Somebody's getting Married!!

Currently playing in the theater that is my mini van has been Jim Henson's, "Muppets take Manhaton." So, for the past few days I have been going around humming the finale of Kermit's "Manhaton Melodies" which is of course, Somebody's getting married. Then last night I got some exciting news!!! Let me back track a bit....

As many of you know, through all the moves the airforce brought upon us, we have attended church in many different wards. In the majority of these I have ended up working with the Young Women. It is a calling that I love. I love working with the girls, sharing in their enthusiam for life and helping them through the trying times that happen in every teenage girls life. I have kept in touch with many of the girls and love hearing where there lives are going. One that I have kept in close contact with is Adri. I was her Young Women's president when we were living in Germany and since then she is now attending BYU. She and another of the girls visited me in Wyoming and we have been trying to get her down to Arizona to visit soon as well. We had a standing joke that she wasn't allowed to date anyone at BYU unless they were from Arizona, that way there was at least a chance she would move here. It worked!! She is "unofficially engaged" and he is from Mesa. I couldn't be happier for them....and for me! I can't wait to see her and to meet this guy when they come next month so that she can meet his parents.
So, even though the engagement is "unofficial" , this is my "official" announcement! Congratulations Adri!!


Anonymous said...

pass on my congrats! Alright Audri!! SHe is so fantastic. I was always impressed by her.

Raina said...

Cute pictures!
How fun with your YW girls getting married. I just had mutal last night. Has was yours? Mine turned out good. I think I did too much for it bec I am so exhausted from the event. I literally spent hours putting together a birthday party for three of the girls. Man my leaders had it made, bec I did it all! Thanks for all your great idea for mutal.