Monday, November 12, 2007


I have a strange phenomenon occurring in my home. Here is the 7 year old, who for his entire life has seen me as the beacon of all truth and knowledge, has recently decided that I know nothing. I am wrong about everything and have to be the most clueless person on the earth. Now, I am not saying that there aren't days when that is completely possible, but is he supposed to realize that? I miss being the smartest person he knows! The one he comes to will all his questions, easy and hard! I just wasn't prepared for this stage of parenting yet. I thought I had a few more years! On the flip side, my four year old has reached the worship stage. He has started listening to everything I say and treating it as absolute truth! Even to the point that he now makes his bed in the morning without me asking. Maybe he can sense my sadness and is trying to pick up the slack! Who knows. I would be thrilled with a happy medium but I have a feeling I will be dealing with this for a while. Any suggestions from all the seasoned parents out there? Or at least stories that are even worse, that might make me feel better or at least give me a good laugh!

Sean left today for a week long conference in Dallas. So, we are hanging around in the house in our PJ's, slowly cleaning the house. Jason doesn't have school so I think I will do something fun with them later, maybe a movie.

Anyways, I should probably end my session of procrastination and get back to work. Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Those boys... you are in for some fun with them. You better raise them right so that Callie and Cara will have somebody to marry!