Saturday, January 5, 2008

Big year ahead...

So, vacation is almost over. We spent the day cleaning everything, doing laundry and making sure that the house was back to normal so that we can start our normal routine on Monday without too much stress. It is all done (almost, I still have a load of laundry to fold and put away) and now I have a minute so I figured, why no blog. Usually I am blogging trying to avoid all that I need to get done so this is a nice change - guilt free blogging!
I can't believe that it is 2008 already. There is so much that will happen for our family this year; Jason is getting baptized in May, I am turning the big 30 and Sean and I celebrate our 10 year anniversary! (Yes, I know I am admitting how young I was when I married him - but we are still here to talk about it!) Also, Sean should be getting his own Home Depot this spring and Jackson will start Kindergarten in the fall. Tyler will turn 3 and if I want I could put him in preschool a few days a week. I can't even fathom having no kids in my house on a regular basis. It will either be incredibly thrilling or completely depressing - guess I will have to wait and see on that one.
On a different note, we found a house that we are going to put an offer on this week. We are low balling it so we will see what happens - I am trying not to get too excited incase it doesn't work out. But...if it does work, I would love it. It seems like such a great house for our family and one of the best parts is that it is less than a half mile from the school I take Jason, and next year Jackson, to everyday! If it works out I will be posting lots about it!
Maybe soon I will blog about some new years resolutions but first I have to figure out what they are going to be!
Hope everyone is having a great 2008 so far!


Melanie said...

you forgot to mention matt and melanie are moving to cali and we are going to see them and have a fabulous vacation. ;)

Sonja said...

You are right, I don't know what could be more exciting than that! Except maybe both turning 30 in....Vegas Baby! We seriously need to startdropping hints on that one!

Melanie said...

i've already dropped a few to matt like, "sonja and i want to go to vegas together for our 30 birthday so talk to sean and start planning. we will act surprised when we get there." is that a good enough hint? ;)

The Revie Family said...

Um...moving??? I'm barely getting to know you and you're planning on moving. I agree that you do need a bigger house for your three boys, but I hope it's not too far away. I just turned 30 in September and so far so good. I think it's great, but it is worthy of a large celebration. Hope you get to go to Vegas with your friend.

Farrah said...

Yeah, what's this about moving??? Well, I heard it would be a perfect house with a pool and spa? Nice. Let us know what happens with it. I know I would need a bigger house with three kids also.

Sonja said...

That house didn't work out, but we are still looking. :( I will keep you all updated on what happens!

Melanie said...

ummm... this one is getting old. ;)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Melanie, new blog please...

Anonymous said...

It's going to be February before we get a new post from you. What can you possibly be doing that's more important??

Melanie said...


Raina said...

This will be my new fun thing. Posting comments on Sonja's website!
Now I can write comments about doing my laundry too!
Have a fun weekend!