Saturday, February 16, 2008

Speaking of Motorcycles......

So I have been meaning for a while now to write that Sean is now that proud owner of a motorcycle. If you are planning on letting me know how dangerous they it. I have heard it all. I used to be against him getting one but the truth is that I don't know a driver out there more aware of what is going on around him than Sean. Plus, it is a great stress reliever for him, he loves it...and I love having a stress free husband!

The kids think it is just about the coolest thing ever and love going for rides around the block when dad gets home from work. Here are a few pictures of just that!

Here Jackson is trying to race Dad...he was trying so hard!

Just look at the concern on his face! Of course, Dad let him win!

On a side note...I also will admit that I love the motorcycle. I think I have always had a thing for them and I can't tell you how much fun it is to take it out for date night! Don't worry everyone...we promise to be safe!!


The Revie Family said...

Oh yes...Jon rides too. Our bike needs a little work, but hopefully by spring it will be up and running. Perhaps we'll have to go for a ride with our husbands when it warms up. So fun!

Melanie said...

just watch out for those right turns, they can be kinda tricky, hahaha.... just ask matt.

Anonymous said...

Not you too!!!! Don't say I didn't warn you! And I'm not talking about the danger!
Have I told you I HHAAAAAATTEE Jared's motorcylce? Hate's a strong word. I HAAAAAAAAATE it. THat's all I have to say. Love you.