Saturday, February 16, 2008

A Visit from Adri

So last night Adri and her "possible" future husband (some may just call him a "dear friend" but not me!) came over. They are in town from BYU so that Adri can meet the parents and all that fun stuff. It was great seeing Adri and having lunch with her today. I always enjoy myself around her and think she is great! I also really liked Russ, (the dear friend!) they seem like a great match and the fact that they may move to Mesa in a year or so just makes me like him all the more!

Adri was my kids absolute favorite babysitter when we lived in Germany. Jason still talks about her and how she would make forts and play swords with them! So of course we had to take some pictures of them all!

Another thing that we managed to accomplish on her visit was getting her on the motorcycle...something she wasn't thrilled about! But she survived so I am assuming that she has forgiven us!


Melanie said...

when did you get a motorcycle?? i love adri too.

Raina said...

Cute pictures! Your such a great photographer. I need to get my pictures a little ligher.
I love the motorcycle. And no Dale will never get one if I have anything to say about it. But it does look sexy!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you wrote this :) Good thing I got on here and looked. Maybe I'll show it to Russ too, and let him see that you liked him. I also am glad that I saw the pictures from the hike becuase I was like "HEY! I saw them that day"...and really...after 3 years, that's pretty cool. I can't wait to see you again!!!

Russ said...

This is great! nice job Sonja!