Thursday, March 13, 2008


Be warned, this entire blog will be about how amazing one of my kids is. So, if blogs like this make your stomach turn....stop reading now. For the rest of you, here is what happened.

On Tuesday Jackson was speaking to his grandpa on the phone. He was insistent that he needed to talk to Grandma. (His birthday is coming and he wants to make sure she knows EVERYTHING that is on his ever growing list!) She wasn't home so Grandpa gave him the number which Jackson wrote down all by himself. Truthfully, this was enough to impress me considering we haven't worked on numbers together. I was much more on top of that sort of stuff with Jason, oh well. For the next 2 days Jackson called Grandma whenever he had a chance. I think he felt a sence of independence being able to call all on his own! Then today he comes up to me, having typed a number into the phone and asked me if he had gotten grandma's number right. I was dumbfounded, I knew that the paper with the written numbers had been with me so I didn't see how he had known the number. I asked him and he told me, "I remember it mom" I still was unsure so I cleared the number and made him show me, then I made him recite it. He really did memorize it, all 10 digits! Pretty good for a 4 year old with no help if you ask his mom!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

you, brag on jackson???? never. ;)