Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

So... the big day is here and soon it will be gone. I turned 30. I don't know why we make this out to be such a big deal in life, or maybe I should say that I don't know why I made it such a big deal. Like I accomplished something by living 10 more years?? On the other hand, knowing that the big 30 was coming up it caused me to do a lot of reflection on my life, and beyond just reflecting, I would like to think that I started to make progress. Let me explain...

Exactly 6 months ago today I had a sort of break through in my life. As I realized my 20's were almost over I began to reflect on who I was and who I wanted to be. What was holding me back? What would propel me forward? These weren't the easiest questions to ask or answer, after all when is honest self reflection ever easy. Don't get me wrong - I do belive I was doing pretty well by most people's standards, (I am not going for pitty by saying all of this) I also believe that life is about always leaning and growing and becoming more than we already are. There were things in my life that I had never truly dealt with. (Some hard divorces and some serious abandenment issues to start) I tend to be the type to shove everything under the rug and not deal with emotions that are hard - I would much rather just have fun!! So, I decided it was time for some spring cleaning of my past. I was determined to enter into my 30's a stronger person, more self assured, and more confident in who I was. It has been a journey to say the least. Painful, heart renching, enlightening, comforting....I could go on and on. With out boring you will all the details of my therapy, ( they aren't boring at all - I am just not willing to put it all out here!!) my point in all of this is that I do feel like I have accomplished something more than simply "living" through my 20's. While I still have work to do, I have healed, I have found closure in so many areas in my life. This has allowed me to be a better mom and a better wife to the 4 people who mean more to me than life itself. It is so cliche to say that we would "walk through fire" or "Face fire breathing Dragons" for our family or those we love. It was in my 20's that I realized that my fire and my Dragons were within myself, as I believe most everyone's are. I am happy with the progress I have made, happy with the person I have become and that is all I can ask for, all I really wanted on my 30th birthday. So, on this birthday I can truly say "Happy" Birthday to me.


Stefanie H said...

Hey! I don't know if u remember me from church on Sunday but i'm Stefanie Hess. I sat behind you in Sacrament and in Gosple Doctrines! :) Nice to know your on Blogger too like the rest of all of us! :) Your family is beautiful by the way! I was admiring how handsome all your little boys are in Sacrament haha, too cute!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for keeping up this great blog. I really enjoy it. Thanks also for letting us have the boys last week - we loved every minute of it.

Jason reminded me this morning that this is a big day for me also since I am now the mother of a 30 year old. Wish I could be there to help you celebrate. Since I can't - here's a few thoughts I'd like to share......

Since the day you were born - and from the very first moment you came into the world - it has been a delight to share in the beauty, the wonder, and the adventure of you. I am so proud of the beautiful person that you have become. I want you to know always that no matter the time that passes between us or the distance that separates us, my heart will be filled with the light you sparked 30 years ago today. I treasure our relationship and it's an honor to call you my daughter and my friend.

Happy 30th birthday.
Love always. Mom

Melanie said...

all my dragons are still breathing fire down my back ;) but you have grown so much in the past 6 months and i am so proud of you! the only change i was a little nervous about was the whole not drinking diet coke thing, but you are back to that (for now) so i am all good ;) btw you look stinkin HOT in your pic little lady!!

Whitney Niu said...

You are one hot 30 year old!! Happy Birthday and thanks for paving the way for all of us still in our 20's. Love ya and happy birthday again. You are awesome!

Stefanie H said...

hahaha that is funny. Yes just a dog now :) Our 1 year old pup is a Beagle too! how fun!

Anonymous said...

I love you, Sonja with a J!! You're the best and you look beautiful.
Let me just get in line to say what a great friend you are. So sad that we can't be closer to you guys!

Hilary said...

Happy Birthday! (late, of course.) We miss having you close. I'm glad we can keep up with you via the blog.

Raina said...

I am sorry we missed you on your birthday! But anytime you want to call and talk, I'm here.
I know you have done great dealing and becoming the wonderful person you are! You are great!
Eliza missed her cousins and we miss you guys! Canasta isn't the same playing alone.0(
Hey check my blog out, I posted pic of your kids.

Tauni said...

Sonja - Happy Belated Birthday!!!

I love your Blog and I'm so happy you have found a homein Alabama!

XOXO - Tauni

Tauni said...

Happy Belated Birthday Sonja!!!
I love your updated wallpaper on your Blog! You inspire me with your creativity and one day when I have the updated tools, I will begin blogging because of you!!! Have a wonderful 30th year - You deserve it!!!
XOXO Tauni

Ilene said...

Happy Late Birthday! I didn't know you moved to Alabama! It's nice that your parents are closer. Where do they live? I linked to your blog from Adriane's. You and your family look great!

Amy said...

Happy Birthday too bad you moved we would have loved taking you out to dinner and having a girls night. You guys seem to be loving it we miss you.