Monday, October 6, 2008

Cow's say what?!?

Last night we went on a family walk on a trail only a mile or so from our house. The trail takes you past pastures of horses and cows. The kids were having a great time running through the woods and seeing the animals. Sean and I saw this as a great opportunity to see how smart our now 3 year old son is.(birthday pictures will follow soon)

We turned to him and asked, "Ty, what sound does a cow make?"

He quickly and happily responded in a singing voice... "moo moo here, moo moo there!"

It was pretty cute.

So, maybe we need to work on what sounds animals actually do make instead of leaving it up to Old McDonald! But then again...Old McDonald had a farm, and on his farm he had a maybe he knows best!


Jessica M said...

OK, that's adorable. Nice cow picture too! I ordered my camera this morning! So excited!!

Raina said...

Oh man he is 3 already! He is growing up too fast and I am not there! What a smartie pants.