Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Joy's of Motherhood.....

On Friday I was working like crazy trying to get the house clean for Sean's Birthday. I also was dealing with Jason...sick...which is never fun. Anyway, it has been my experience that it is on days such as this that my kids get into the most trouble. On this particular day it was Tyler....

He had found the diaper rash ointment and proceeded to spread it all over his face and hair. I think it took me about 12 times of washing his hair and it still feels a little greasy today! Oh well, at least when it happened I was on the phone with my sister-in-law. I told her what had happened and that I had to go, she pleaded that before I do anything else, I go get the camera. She was right and I am glad I did...

It has to be the age. When Jackson was almost exactly this age, I was trying to get him to take a nap. I was feeling great because I hadn't heard from him in at least 20 minutes so I was sure he was asleep. When I went to check on him I found him sitting on his bed with an empty container of vasaline. The container had been brand new and full just 20 minutes earlier! Luckily we were staying in Military TLF at the time because he had covered no only himself but the bedding, the curtains, and his stuffed pony thoroughly. I cleaned up the mess, but the pony just hasn't been the same since!


Anonymous said...

Adam did the same thing just last week. I couldn't wash out the grease either. Plus right after his bath, I'm putting a little ointment on his bum and he sneaks a hand down to get a little more to wipe in his hair! Darwin was on to something when he said we came from chimps.

Melanie said...

love, love, love it. cara and him would be such trouble together!!

Raina said...

Oh how funny! Eliza got into her yeast infection cream TODAY and had fun with it. I was like oh crap, that is dangerous.
I hope Jason feels better. What a crazy week. Happy late birthday Sean! I hope you got my e-birthday card.