Monday, March 17, 2008

My stupidity!

Ok, so last night I was going to grill up some steaks and chicken for dinner. Normally this doesn't prove to be of any difficulty for me, so I am not really sure what happened last night. I went out to light the grill and when I pushed the button, nothing happened. So, like an idiot, I leaned over the grill (I was looking for something, still not sure what!) waited a second or two and pushed the button again. Up flew the flames! Before you get too concerned... I am hair and eyebrow are not!! As soon as it happened I could smell the burnt hair so of course I started screaming like a mad woman, running into the house to find a mirror to look in. Sean at this point is having a really hard time keeping his amusement to himself. I have a small patch at the front of my head where the hair is about 1 inch long. Honestly, unless you are looking for it, you probalby couldn't find it. But, it was still truamatic!! Note to self for next time: There is nothing worth seeing at the bottom of my grill, except maybe the ashes from my singed hair!


Farrah said...

That's funny and sad. I'd be a little upset by lost hair also. Hey, at least it will grow back. Next time make your hubby turn on the grill and then you do the cooking!

The Revie Family said...

He He. Great story. I have a good screaming and running around story about a cockroach I'll have to tell you sometime. Of course, Jon thought the whole thing was hilarious. Now looking back...I guess it was too.

I'm sure you look great. I will be looking for it on Sunday though.

Melanie said...

that's nice. i want a picture for this post ;)

Raina said...

Poor Sonja! If it makes you feel better I did that on my grandma's old fashion stove. But I burnt off a third of my hair. Well I couldn't tell at the park today.