Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Day Dancing....

So, Christmas has come and gone once again and I feel a sense of accomplishment that I am documenting the day for once. I never got the Christmas cards out, I still haven't mailed Melanies presents, and there were people I wanted to talk to or see that I never did. But at least I am writing this so that someday my family can look back on what turned out to be a fun and special Christmas day.

As every Christmas day all began with Santa. I don't know how many more Christmas mornings will come when all of my boys still believe so I am trying to treasure what I have left. He brought Pokemon and Transformers for the older 2 and Tyler got his beloved Rocking horse that he refused to get off of all morning! For Sean (and the rest of us, but mainly Sean) was an xbox 360 so that he can once again have fun playing with his brothers online. Especially important now that they are all once again living all over the country! They seem to have duped all the wives into believing that the only way they can possibly keep in touch with each other is through the xbox. But, it works and they hang out more than ever before so how can we complain! Santa also brought me a much needed laptop that I am currently LOVING! Trust me, Santa knew how badly we needed one, our computer was on it's dying breath!

After Santa, my parents came over and we opened the rest of the presents. It was fun as usual!! Tyler was especially cute making sure that every piece of paper was off before he moved on to the next tear! Maybe he is getting OCD from Melanie! We cooked Christmas dinner and just relaxed, playing with all the new toys.

THat night Jason and Jackson went to spend the night with my parents and Sean was busy reading a book I gave him. So, Tyler and I spent about 30 minutes dancing in the kitchen. Sean gave me an ihome that goes underneath my kitchen cabinets ( I LOVE IT!) so Ty and I put it to good use! It may seem like a small thing, but it made my Christmas. He was so cute and so into the music. We just danced and danced. I am sure the neighbors thought I was a crazy lady dancing by myself since Tyler was hid by the cabinets but oh well. It was one of those moments that make all the hard parts of being a parent seem insignifigant. They may be crazy, dirty, loud and stubborn boys but they sure are worth it. I really do love being their mom.


Melanie said...

the ocd is what gives tyler and i that special bond.

Sonja said...

It is more than the OCD. Tylee loves you!!

Melanie said...

tylee loves me cause i feed him.