Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Concert Video

Here is the video clip that I was finally able to download. It isn't the whole song but you will get the idea of it all! Jason is right in the middle behind the kid who keeps boppin his head to the music! Make sure you pause the music player at the bottom of the page or you will have both sounds streaming in!


Raylene said...

OK, you caught me. You are amazing with your blog. I have been in survival mode lately--only getting the laundry done as needed and feeding the crew. I'll try to catch up on the blog over the Christmas break--after I get cards done.

Sonja said...

I wouldn't say amazing - it just means that my laundry isn't done and I haven't even started my Christmas Cards! Blogging is my new favorite form of procrastination!

Melanie said...

what! no posts for christmas??? you slacker. slackerness in blogging is expected from me, but not from sonjab the super blogger. ;) love you.

Melanie said...

still waiting....

p.s. i made guacamole tonight, made me think of you.