Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Kids, Dogs and Neighbors!

It is now my belief that when you dare in life to hope for a nap, all goes terribly wrong! Yesterday morning we all woke up to a fairly normal morning. Jason liked his poster, although he made me add that one of the things he didn't like were Barbies. I don't know how I forgot that one! Anyway, Tyler started the day with a minor cough. We took Jason to school, went to the gym, and came home to get ready for Jackson's preschool. Tyler's cough was a little worse but I wasn't all that worried yet. By 2 when we picked Jackson up Tyler was wheezing, had a minor fever and was telling me that his ear hurt. So, we picked up Jason and I scrambled to find a doctor to get him into. It wouldn't have been so hard if it wasn't a new doctor and new insurance but we got in around 4. I left the doctor with, no kidding, 6 prescriptions. When he is healthy, people have a hard time believing me that he has health problems because he looks so healthy. (I also found out yesterday that he is 95% for weight and 99% for height) But trust me, when he gets sick, he gets really sick! So, I went to Target to fill the prescriptions, thinking that they would be faster than Walgreen's. Nope! An hour later I finally left with most of the medicine, I still have to go back for one more today. Then it was off to work on getting everything ready for Young Women in Excellence, which is tonight! For those of you that don't know, I work with the Young Women at Church and this is the night that they get to display and talk about the projects they have worked on through out the year. It is a big deal. Anyway, I did photo shoots a while back of all the girls individually and together so I have been trying to get them edited and framed so we can display them tonight. I think I finally got home around 10 at which time Jason starts feeling sick and the dog is seriously hyper. I think it was 11 when we all fell asleep. That would probably be enough to qualify as a crappy day, don't you think? But no, it doesn't end there! At 12pm Tyler woke up crying and while I got him some Tylenol I heard the dog whimpering. I went to see if she needed to go outside only to find that she had thrown up multiple times all over her kennel! It was beyond disgusting. I threw the dog outside so that I could wipe the tray down and she started barking, it had been seriously 2 or 3 minutes and all of a sudden my doorbell rings. There was no way I was going to answer, I knew it was my neighbors who I have now decided are mean. They came over once before when she was barking in the middle of the day and I was so nice about it. I felt bad and have tried to make sure she doesn't bark from then on. This was the first time since and they couldn't make it for 3 minutes! Plus, it was the middle of the night and I was home alone! I was too scared to answer the door! I let her inside, cleaned everything up and gave her a bath which put me back to bed around 1:30. At 6:30, Tyler was awake and therefore so was I! Good news is that I can tell he feels much better!
Well, I hope you all enjoyed my story. I am sure I have now convinced some of you to run from the idea of have kids, dogs or even neighbors! Luckily, all days aren't like that one or I would be running too!


Farrah said...

Gee, sounds like a bad day! I know how it goes. It was the week before that I had two sick kids. I'm glad all is well now. Oh and was the neighbor the single girl next door? If so your not the first one to get a complaint from her. Anyways, Your kids did great on Sunday. Especially Jackson! Awesome!

Farrah said...

Also, we're still planning on you singing Sunday. Does that still work for you? Is Jamie accompanying (Sp?) you? Let me know. Thanks!

Sonja said...

Yes - still planning on singing and Jamie is playing for me.

It is a girl next door but she has some guy living with her...we'll have to talk and figure it out! I want to hear all about the other complaints!

Melanie said...

what crapy neighbors... i am going to come and kick their trash. and poor tylie... i wish i could come give my buddy a hug.