Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Jackson's Preschool Program

Here are the pictures I finally got downloaded from Jackson's preschool program. He was so cute and sang all the songs with all the hand motions. Not bad considering most of the kids just sat there and stared out into the audience! Not that there is anything wrong with that, after all I have been watching Jason stare into the audience for 4 years now!!


Melanie said...

let's see, what to say... jackson is such a good little performer, maybe he'll be in drama like his mama. that rhymes, i am so awesome, like a apossum. that rhymes too... i should be a poet, matt would never have to go back to work. i could seriously make good money doing it. ;)

Anonymous said...

Do you know how long it's been since I've seen a school do a program??? I thought they were washed up with the Clinton years. That's so cool.

Sonja said...

Yup...and Jason is even singing a song all about Jesus and memorizing Away in a Manger as his next poem recitatation! Go figure!

Melanie said...

i don't know if my last comment worked, so i will send it again -
next time you complain about not getting comments on your blogs don't come running to me. you non-comment on commenter... you are a skank ho!!! (i mean that in the most loving way possible ;)